13 Oct, 2022
Read Time: 5 minutes

Where to Watch Fireworks? Manchester Bonfire Night 2022

With Fireworks Night approaching, many customers have asked us about the city's best fireworks spots. Getting ready early means you can ensure you’ve got tickets if needed, know where parking (or public transport links) is, and can organise the family for a night of fun rather than chaos.

Here’s a round-up of our favourite, little-known Manchester Fireworks Night spots and what you need to know to have a memorable time.

The 5 Best Places to Watch Fireworks in Manchester

As the leading fireworks retailer in the North West, we know about all the best spots for fireworks—in fact, we supply a lot of them! Thanks to our long-standing relationship with the community groups and businesses that arrange firework displays, we’ve got the inside scoop on which ones to get a front-row seat at.

Fireworks in night sky

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1. Cavendish Road School

When: Friday the 4th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm

What to Expect:

Book this event to get a great view of all the classic fireworks and a giant bonfire to warm your hands. Fireworks will start at 6:30 sharp, and the ticket holders to the event can also buy hot and cold food, a selection of drinks, sweet treats, and novelty toys.


Adults: £5

Children: £3

Families: £14

Under 2’s: free

Keep an eye on this page for ticket information to be released.

Broughton fireworks night poster

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2. Broughton Park Rugby Club

When: Sunday 30th from 5:00pm to 11:00pm.

What to Expect:

Take your pick from an indoor or outdoor view of the bonfire and fireworks display that will show off some of the most impressive rockets, and other classics like Catherine wheels. Ticket holders also get access to a bar, food stand, and tuckshop, all protected under a marquee from the erratic Manchester weather. There will also be a grandstand with musical entertainment. Book early to get the spot you want.


Indoors (with the grandstand, bar and food)

Adults: £7.50

Children: £3

Outdoors (with the tuckshop, bar, and food under shelter)

Adults: £5

Children: £3

Book tickets to Broughton Park Firework Night.

Didsbury and chorlton football club

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3. Chorlton & Didsbury Football Club

When: Sunday 6th from 5:30pm.

What to expect:

The club will host a bonfire and firework display while the clubhouse is open to all ticket holders and will be serving snacks, hot food, and drinks.


Family (2 adults, 2 children): £15

Adult: £6

Child: £3

Book tickets to Chorlton and Disbury Football Club Firework Night.

Carlton club fireworks night

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4. Carlton Club, Whalley Range

When: Saturday 5th from 5:00pm to 11:00pm.

What to expect:

Carlton Club’s excellent display of rockets, fountains, and many other show-stopping fireworks will be accompanied by a bonfire and followed by a live music performance from friends and family of the social club and a DJ. There will also be a raffle and food catered by Hip Hop Chip Shop & Mankuchen Pizza.


Family: £22.25

Adult: £9.05

Child (under 18): £6

Book tickets for the Carlton Club Fireworks Night.


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5. Whalley Range Tennis & Cricket Club

When: Saturday 5th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

What to expect:

The club’s fantastic firework display features some of our best and brightest fireworks and welcomes guests of all ages. Call the club on 0161 881 1414 for more information.

If you’re part of a community group and want to host your own public firework display, read our article Where Can You Set Off Fireworks? We cover legal considerations and what you need to do to carry out a safe event.

Tips for a Great Firework Night from Expert Firework Makers

Even though you’re going to Firework Night to have fun, it’s really important not to forget about safety. Just like any other crowded, public event at night time, you need to take some precautions to make sure you and your friends or family are safe, especially if you’re looking after little ones (and pets!)

1. Stay sober.

It's important to stay sober when watching a firework display. Being intoxicated may impair your judgement and slow your reaction time in case of an emergency. It's important to be able to react quickly in the case of an emergency and get out of the way of danger. If you plan to have some drinks, ensure you know your limit.

2. Leave the fireworks to the professionals.

When it comes to fireworks, let the professionals take care of it. They're called professionals for a reason: they know what they're doing! Give the staff at the event the space and attention they need to pull off a great show and follow safety precautions.

3. Keep children and pets away from the fireworks area.

This should go without saying, but it's worth reiterating. When setting off fireworks, make sure to keep children and pets well away from the firing area, and keep pet’s on leads so there’s no chance they could run into dangerous areas or distract the firework handlers.

4. Be aware of your surroundings.

Be sure to keep an eye on your surroundings. Crowded public places are a target for robbery. Make sure your bag is fully closed, and your pockets are secure. Where possible, it’s best to leave valuable items at home. Make sure there is no flammable material near the unlit fireworks. This will help avoid any potential accidents.

5. Use common sense when deciding whether to bring food or drinks to the event.

Remember that most fireworks events won’t allow you to bring your own alcohol in and will search your bag on entry. It’s best to leave drinks at home if you don’t want to pour them away. Depending on their policies, some event holders won’t let you bring food in, but in most cases, it’s alright. It might be a good idea to bring some snacks for the kids if the lines are long.

6. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

Far be it from any of us to assume there will be good weather for fireworks. Make sure you wear warm clothes and a waterproof coat. You won’t make too many friends if you bring an umbrella! Take care to wear sensible shoes as parks often get muddy and wet with the high footfall.

7. Leave early.

No matter how well you’ve pre-planned your route, you can guarantee the roads will be busy on Fireworks Night in the early evening. Make sure you have enough time to get to the venue and find parking.

8. Plan a meeting point.

Firework events can become very busy, and it’s easy to get separated from people in the darkness. Debrief your children about what to do if you get separated. It might be a good idea to decide on a meeting point if you can’t contact each other. Otherwise, make sure your children know what the event staff look like in case they need to ask for help.

9. Be prepared for loud noises and bright lights.

It sounds silly, but if you have young kids and pets, think ahead about how to manage these things. Some children benefit from noise-muffling headphones. Be aware that lots of dogs become anxious around fireworks, so it might be best to let someone dog sit for you for that evening to ensure your pet feels safe and secure.

Next stop after Firework Night: New Year’s Eve! Read our guides on how to find a good firework display and the best places to watch the fireworks to ring in the new year.

It is illegal for under 18s to purchase or Attempt to purchase fireworks
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